Data journalism
At USAfacts, I use government data to give context to the important issues impacting Americans. I cover education, families and childcare as well as healthcare. I write breaking news stories, in-depth explainers and investigative data stories. I create data visualizations and make videos using interesting data findings. I co-authored the 2022 State of the Union in numbers. My work is seen in DataIsPlural.
How much money do states spend on education?
Black students are more likely to be punished than white students
From charter schools to tax credit scholarships: School choice explained
Which states passed laws restricting school curriculum?
A pandemic expansion of the national school lunch program ends this summer
The US maternal mortality rate peaked during the pandemic and was highest for Black women
How have abortion laws changed since the Dobbs ruling?
Which states passed new abortion laws in 2022?
The CDC says teen mental health is in crisis. Who is most at risk?
What are the biggest mental health issues facing young Americans?
Explore more topics
How much are families spending on childcare?
How US forests affect the environment and help stabilize the climate
How much solar energy do homes produce?
Here’s how the number of Black Americans in Congress tripled over 30 years
How the government uses programs like SNAP to combat food insecurity?
What happened after the federal eviction moratorium expired?
Capital News Service
As the pandemic drags on, Baltimore communities work to keep neighbor’s spirits up
Equity Task Force to help COVID-19 vaccine distribution among minorities
Policing mental health crises in Montgomery County
Baltimore votes, picks a mayor – and remembers Trump’s insults
Health experts ask Congress for nearly $50 billion to expand tracking and isolation
Democrats question if coronavirus relief bill does enough for Americans
Lawmakers discuss if a national coronavirus shutdown is ahead
The Diamondback-weekly newsletter
Maryland football returned to competition for the first time in three weeks
Quarantine housing runs low and Zoombombing incidents are on the rise
P.G. county positivity rate increases and UMD students struggle to find employment
Montgomery Community Media
Real ID deadline in Maryland extended
Workers plan to strike on amazon prime day
Republican Party calls Elrich’s executive order ‘political stunt’ that risks safety of residents